Alphabet Soup: C is for… Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG)

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines, promotes the use of recovered materials. Procuring agencies are required to purchase the products with the highest recovered material content level practicable. The agency publishes recommended recycled-content levels in a Recovered Materials Advisory Notice (RMAN) 


There are 61 products designated in eight categories, including Construction & Landscaping products; Office and Paper products; Park & Recreation products; Vehicular products, and more. 


CAGE Commercial and Government Entity Code

A five-character code that is unique to a company. Separate CAGE Codes are required for each location and division. 

CCR Central Contractors Registration.  (see SAM)

Replaced by the System for Award Management (SAM) in 2012.

CFR Code of Federal Regulations 

A collection of publications that contains regulations for all federal departments and agencies. 

CID Commercial Item Description

Details of a commercial item that may be purchased by a federal agency.

CLINS Contract Line Item Numbers

Used in solicitation documents to identity each item required.

CMRA  Contractor Manpower Reporting Application

Army regulation requires contractors to report on labor hours and costs for all Army contracts.

CO  Contracting Officer…Also referred to as the Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO). See also ACO.
COB Close of Business
CONUS  Continental United States…For example, when referring to delivery areas.
COTS Commercial Off The Shelf …Identifies an item sold in the commercial marketplace
CPG  Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines

Identifies environmentally-friendly procurement policies.

CSP Commercial Sales Practices

Information on your company’s commercial sales practices. Required when submitting a GSA proposal. (see GSA)

CTA Contractor Team Arrangement 

Allows you to team up with other GSA contractors that complement your capabilities, and compete together for opportunities that you could not qualify for individually. (see GSA)

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