- SINs: Take a look at GSA’s Available Offerings Attachment , so you understand where your SINs will map under the new MAS structure.
Some current SINS are mapped to more than one new SIN, so you’ll need to work with your Contracting Officer to consolidate them. The affected SINS are:
- Automotive (23V): SINS 096 2N; 096 3N; 096 4N
- Professional Services (00CORP): SINS, 871 1; 871 2; 871 3; 871 4; 874 4
- Facilities Maintenance (03FAC): SINS 871 211
- NAICS Codes: Check the NAICS codes you have listed in SAM, and compare them to those in the new Available Offerings Attachment . Make sure you have the right NAICS codes listed in SAM.
- Terms: Understand the terms and conditions you are agreeing to under the new Consolidated Schedule. If you negotiated any exceptions to the standard terms of your current contract, you’ll need to re-submit them when you sign the Mod.
- Options: If you’re in the middle of exercising an option for your contract, check with your Contracting Officer before you accept the Mod
- Modifications: Make sure you don’t have any pending modifications, like adding or deleting products, or updating prices
If you hold more than one Schedule contract, you’ll need to sign a separate Mod for each one. Your contract number and period of performance will NOT change.
Four Things to Do AFTER you Sign the Consolidation Mod:
- eLibrary: Make sure you’re showing up in eLibrary under the new MAS vehicle.
- SINS: Confirm your that SINs have migrated properly – cross reference them by using the Available Offerings Attachment.
- Advantage: You’ll need to update your text file in Advantage. If you offer products, they will need to be merged with the new SIN.
- Marketing Materials: Update any company marketing materials like your company website, capability statements, quote templates and so on, to include the new Schedule name, number, Category/Subcategory and SIN.