We all know the Federal government loves to use many different acronyms, but this notice in FBO (Federal Business Opportunities) contained even more than the usual dose…
Some were standard acronyms used throughout federal contracting, such as
- CO/COR: Contracting Officer/ Contracting Officer Representative
- COTS: Commercial Off-The-Shelf
- DoD: Department of Defense
- FAR: Federal Acquisition Regulation
- GSA: General Services Administration
- SAM: System for Award Management
- NAICS: North American Industry Classification System
- POC: Point of Contact
- PWS/SOW: Performance Work Statement / Statement of Work
- QAP/QCP: Quality Assurance Plan / Quality Control Plan
While others were specific to this particular contract
- BAM: Bird Avoidance Model
- AHAS: Avian Hazard Advisory System
- BDR: Bird Detection Radar
- BASH: Bird/wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazard Team
If you’re serious about pursuing federal government contracts, you’ll need to become familiar with many of the acronyms used in federal contracting….and if there’s any doubt you can always ask the CO (Contracting Officer) to decipher them!
Contact us at info@sell2gov.com for a list of some of the most commonly-used acronyms.