Alphabet Soup: D is for….DPAS 

Some Purchase Orders/RFQs issued by the Department of Defense are assigned priority ratings, under a system known as the Defense Priority Allocation System, or DPAS.  DX-rated orders have the highest priority. DO-rated orders have a lower priority than DX, but still have priority over unrated orders. 


If you receive a PO with a DPAS rating, you must accept the order as long as you can meet the required delivery date.  A DX or DO-rated order must be given priority over other orders.


DARO Days After Receipt Of Order

See also ADO and ARO

DD250 Dept of Defense Inspection & Receiving Report

Required for shipping/acceptance of items by the DoD

DFAR Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations. 

Dept of Defense supplemental procurement regulations.

DIBBS Department of Defense Internet Bid Board System

Dept of Defense website with electronic posting and awards.  For products only

DLA Defense Logistics Agency

Federal Agency

DoD Department of Defense

Federal Agency

DODAAC Department of Defense Activity Address Code

Identifies a specific DoD unit, activity, or organization that may purchase and/or accept ordered items. 

DPAS Defense Priority Allocation System

DoD contracts are assigned priority ratings using this system.  




Defense Supply Centers

Located in Columbus, Philadelphia and Richmond

DUNS® Data Universal Numbering System

Assigned by Dun & Bradstreet. Required for all companies wishing to do business with the federal government.

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