There are 40 separate GSA schedule contracts, covering many different products and services. In addition, each schedule is further sub-divided into Special Item Numbers (SINs).
For example, Schedule 71 covers Furniture, and the SINS within this schedule further sub-divide items into specific types: filing cabinets, chairs, cafeteria or hospital furniture, tables, computer workstations and so on.
When you submit a GSA proposal, you choose the specific Schedule and SIN that best describes the products/services that you offer, and these become part of the ‘scope ‘ of the contract awarded to you.
An agency may add “Open Market” items to an awarded schedule contract order – that is, items not specifically part of your GSA contract award – if they feel it necessary. However, you MUST make sure that the buyer is aware of which items are part of your GSA contract and which are ‘open market’. This is very important, because different federal regulations apply to each. You should keep records of the fact that you notified the customer of this before the sale, via a written quote or in an email, as well as in the actual invoice.
Remaining within the scope of your contract is a critical factor in your Contract Performance Report Card.
Open Market items are also known as Incidental Items; Non-Contract Items; Non-Schedule Items; Other Direct Costs (ODCs), or Reimbursable Travel Costs
You should not include the value of open market sales when reporting the quarterly 72a sales, only the total sales of contract items.