National Small Business Week – Free Virtual Conference

This week is National Small Business Week. The SBA will be hosting a FREE, 3-Day Virtual Conference on Tuesday, May 1 – Thursday, May 3 between 12:30 pm ET – 6:30 pm ET each day.

During the free, online conference you can listen to practiced advice on current business strategies, meet other business owners, and chat with industry experts.

Topics include:

How Changing Consumer Behavior Impacts Your Business

Addressing Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace

Get New and Repeat Business On Autopilot with Email Marketing

Creating and Sustaining a Strong Social Presence

The U.S. Economic Outlook and Its Impact on Small Businesses

Managing Your Finances in the Cloud

​Grow Your Business in 2018

Simple Steps to Choosing the Right Financing

Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints & Keep Your Customers

Sharing Your Story Through Video

Pop & Play: How Opening a Pop-Up Shop Can Help Launch Your Retail Brand

Fusion Marketing: The Next Generation of Marketing

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