Classify this information as not exactly essential, but good to know…
The solicitation number is made up of several parts.
- The first 6 digits (a mix of letters & numbers) identifies the specific department, agency and office issuing the solicitation. This is known as the Activity Address Code – AAC – or DoDAAC for Dept. of Defense contracts.
- The second two digits identify the fiscal year the bid is issued
- The next letter indicates if the solicitation is an Invitation for Bid (B); a Request for Proposal (R); a Request for Quote (Q), and so on.
- The final four numbers are specific to that particular solicitation
For example:
SPM8ED -18 – Q – 0123 |
Buying Office – Fiscal Year – Request for Quote – Solicitation ID Number |
More detail, go to Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR 4.16 – Procurement instrument Identifiers